Joining Us

Welcome to the recruitment page of the Program Analysis Research Team at the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT, CAS). We are part of the renowned State Key Lab of Processors. Our team is dedicated to advancing program analysis techniques and developing innovative tools to enhance software reliability and security.

Research Focus: Our primary goal is to create cutting-edge program analysis methods and implement them in practical development tools. These tools aim to effectively address prevalent security and reliability issues in software systems.

Key Achievements:

  • Development of Wukong, an advanced static analysis detection system
  • Identification of thousands of deep-seated errors in major open-source projects, including Google Chromium, Bash, sed, Hadoop,OpenStack and CloudStack
  • Over 200 severe bugs and vulnerabilities confirmed by the open-source community and assigned more than 100 CVE numbers
  • Successfully commercialized and widely applied in leading IT companies, as well as various organizations including government departments, research institutes, and state-owned enterprises

Academic Excellence:

  • Published over 50 papers in top-tier conferences and journals in computer systems, cyber security, programming languages and software engineering, including SOSP, CCS, USENIX Security, NDSS, OOPSLA, TSE, FSE, ISSTA, ASE
  • Received the SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ASE 2019
  • Honored with the Best Paper Award Nomination at CCS 2022

We Offer:

  • Opportunity to engage in world-class program analysis research
  • Hands-on experience in developing practical security tools
  • Comprehensive training combining academic research and industrial application
  • Open and collaborative academic environment
  • Strong support for further studies and career development

We Seek: Talented undergraduate and graduate students, preferably in computer science or related fields, who are:

  • Passionate about program analysis, software engineering, or cyber security
  • Equipped with solid programming skills, particularly in C/C++, Java, and Python

If you are interested in contributing to the future of software security and reliability through innovative program analysis research, we encourage you to join our team.

Program Analysis Research Team Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Advancing software security through innovative technology



研究重点: 我们的主要目标是创新程序分析方法,并将其实现为实用的开发工具。这些工具旨在有效解决软件系统中普遍存在的安全性和可靠性问题。


  • 开发了先进的Wukong静态分析检测系统
  • 在Google Chromium、Bash、Sed、Hadoop、OpenStack、CloudStack等主要开源项目中发现了数千个深层次错误
  • 超过200个严重缺陷和漏洞得到开源社区确认并获得了100多个CVE编号
  • 成功实现商业化,并在多家头部IT企业、以及包括政府部门、研究院所、国央企在内的多家单位得到广泛应用


  • 在计算机系统、网络安全和软件工程领域的顶级会议和期刊上发表论文50余篇,包括SOSP, CCS, USENIX Security, NDSS, OOPSLA, TSE, FSE, ISSTA, ASE等
  • 荣获ASE 2019 SIGSOFT杰出论文奖
  • 获得CCS 2022最佳论文提名奖


  • 参与世界一流程序分析研究的机会
  • 开发实用安全工具的实践经验
  • 结合学术研究和产业应用的全面培养
  • 开放协作的学术环境
  • 深造和职业发展的有力支持

我们寻找: 优秀的本科生和研究生,最好是计算机科学或相关领域的学生,他们应该:

  • 对程序分析、软件工程或网络安全充满热情
  • 具备扎实的编程技能,尤其是C/C++、Java、Python开发
